Migrating to a CMS

How I trained hundreds of faculty, staff, interns, and freelancers to help migrate tens of thousands of websites and documents.

Published on Dec. 10, 2020.

The problem

Marquette purchased a content management system (CMS) called OU Campus to make it easier for anyone to update a website. But before we could use it, we needed to migrate our existing websites into the new system.

The opportunity

While our web team had only four people, the university had thousands of faculty, staff, interns, and freelancers, who could be trained to create websites in the CMS.

Screenshot of Jumpstart Eventbrite.

To teach them, I created the Jumpstart web training series. In four sessions, anyone could learn to use the CMS by creating an updated version of their website in the new system under my supervision. By the end, their website was migrated and they knew how to update it.

Screenshot of Jumpstart outline.

These new CMS websites eliminated outdated content, are easier to update, and use the newest design templates. For example, here's what the Marquette Central website looked like before migration:

Screenshot of Marquette Central before migration.

And here's what the Marquette Central website looked like after migration:

Screenshot of Marquette Central after migration.

To scale the process, I trained a web teammate to lead the sessions, so we could double the amount of participants. To keep partners updated on the latest web editing information, I created a monthly email with tips and tricks for them.

Screenshot of Web Tips and Tricks newsletter.

For the partners who didn't have the time to attend training sessions, I started a pool of remote interns to migrate their websites for them. The student workers could work whenever and wherever their academic schedule allowed.

My role


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